
Showing posts from January, 2019

Looking For Direction

If there’s one thing I’ve figured out in my nearly 30 years on this planet, it’s that life can’t be figured out. Every day, we are all faced with decisions that can have serious repercussions on our future. Decisions that not only impact ourselves, but the people around us that we care about the most. Is there a way that we can know what to do? Is there a way to avoid making serious mistakes in our decision making? I think there is a way. While I know I will never be able to make sense of life, I know that God has it figured out. I spend a great deal of my time working with teenagers, and adolescence is a time of great uncertainty. There are so many life-altering decisions that can be made in the course of those years. Who should I date? Who should I hang out with? Where should I go to college? When can I be independent? These are just a few questions that teens face. So I felt led to talk with them about how they can know what to do. Scripture is filled with evidence to th